Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Doom that Came to Lordsmouth

There are a handful of things that have heavily influenced me in my adult life that seep through into my tabletop play. The biggest of these, however, is my great fondness for Weird fiction. I started on Lovecraft in high school after stumbling across his Wikipedia entry and I soon developed an obsession that would take me through his entire catalog of fiction and into the greater world of the weird. 

I've sat back and thought many times about what sort of campaign setting I would like to make, and I've came to the conclusion that it would have to be a weird and surreal place dripping luciously with cosmiscism and unease. I've laid down a basic framework of ideas that I would like to fill out. 

Lordsmouth Setting
  1. A small city containing phantasmagorical elements. 
  2. A hex crawl based around a dark Appalachian setting. 
  3. Incorporate extensive use of random tables to add many variable elements.
  4. Acid fantasy and weird fiction elements front and center. 
  5. Interesting and original creatures. 
  6. Weirdos and freaks as NPCs. 

This is a very rough and very basic outline of my current ideas. I'm starting to shape some of the random tables and I will be sharing those in a further post. I'm hoping to start mapping out some of the more geographical elements of campaign very soon as well. As work slows and we look at a possible shutdown or self-quarantine period I strongly feel a lot more progress will be made. 

Stay posted and check back as I will be updating often with more detailed drafts of each bullet point to further flesh out my ideas. 

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